🎯Penetration Testing

This page provides an overview of penetration testing, including the different types of hackers, the penetration testing process, and the importance of reporting and remediation.

Using any tools, tactics, or techniques mentioned in this repository on infrastructure that you do not own or do not have express permission to perform tasks on is strictly prohibited. Such actions may be illegal and can have serious consequences, including damaging the infrastructure and potentially causing harm to others. Before using any of the tools listed in this repository, it is essential that you check local and corporate policies and regulations to ensure that your actions are authorized and compliant. If you are uncertain about the legality or appropriateness of your actions, it is highly recommended that you seek advice from a qualified professional or consult relevant policies and regulations. The Darknet Diaries podcast and a quick google search can provide valuable information on the consequences of unauthorized activities.

The term hacker often conjures up negative stereotypes, such as the image of an individual in a basement wearing a black hoodie, typing away at a computer while listening to techno music and attempting to hack into the mainframe of the NSA through Doritio stained fingers. However, this stereotype is not accurate. Hacking can take many forms, from the lone hacker causing mischief for fun and attention, to more practical applications such as penetration testing or red team analysis. Regardless of the role, the core essence of hacking is identifying weaknesses and attempting to exploit them.

This material concerns the legal identification and exploitation of vulnerabilities on target systems that have been approved by system owners for penetration testing. It is important to note that unauthorized hacking is illegal and can have serious consequences. Therefore, it is essential to follow all relevant laws and policies when using any hacking tools or techniques.

What is Penetration Testing?

Penetration testing is the legal process of identifying and exploiting vulnerabilities in a target system or network in order to improve its security. Unauthorized hacking is illegal and can have serious consequences. Penetration testing is usually carried out by ethical hackers who use their skills for defensive purposes. The five types of hackers are black hat hackers, white hat hackers, grey hat hackers, blue hat hackers, and script kiddies.

Types of Hackers

Hackers can be categorized based on the old 'hat' scenario. The following are the five types of hackers:

  1. Black Hat Hackers: These individuals engage in illegal hacking activities, often for personal gain or to cause harm.

  2. White Hat Hackers: Also known as ethical hackers, these individuals use their hacking skills for defensive purposes, such as testing an organization's security systems to identify vulnerabilities that need to be fixed.

  3. Grey Hat Hackers: These individuals may sometimes engage in illegal hacking activities, but also use their skills for defensive purposes.

  4. Blue Hat Hackers: These individuals are not professional hackers, but may engage in hacking as a hobby or to test their own systems or networks.

  5. Script Kiddies: These individuals use pre-written scripts or tools to hack into systems, often without understanding how they work.

Penetration Testing Process

Penetration testing is a critical process that involves several stages that must be followed to ensure the effectiveness of the exercise. The first step in the process is planning and reconnaissance. This stage involves mapping out the target network or system, identifying any potential vulnerabilities, and assessing the potential impact of an attack. Once the reconnaissance stage is complete, the next step is scanning and enumeration. This stage involves using a variety of tools and techniques to identify potential entry points, such as open ports or services that may be vulnerable to exploitation.

The third stage of the process is exploitation. This stage involves leveraging the identified vulnerabilities to gain access to the target system or network. Once access has been gained, the next stage is post-exploitation. This stage involves conducting further reconnaissance, escalating privileges, and maintaining access to the target system or network.

Finally, the last stage of the penetration testing process is reporting and remediation. This stage involves compiling a detailed report of the findings, including any identified vulnerabilities, the impact of the vulnerabilities, and recommended mitigation measures. It is important to follow a structured process such as this to ensure that all relevant areas are covered and that appropriate mitigation measures are put in place.

Stages of a Penetration Test

It is important to recognize that pentesting engagements can be tailored to specific goals and constraints, which may result in different steps and techniques being used. Nonetheless, following a structured process such as the one outlined above can help ensure that all relevant areas are addressed and that appropriate mitigation measures are implemented.

In addition, the MITRE ATT&CK Enterprise Matrix can be a valuable resource for identifying potential threats and developing strategies for detection and response. This comprehensive framework provides a detailed overview of adversary tactics and techniques, which can help organizations better understand the nature of cyber threats and take proactive steps to defend against them. By leveraging the insights provided by the MITRE ATT&CK Enterprise Matrix, pentesting engagements can be designed to more effectively simulate real-world attack scenarios and provide organizations with a more accurate assessment of their security posture.

Planning and Reconnaissance

The first two stages of the penetration testing process are planning and reconnaissance. These stages are crucial to ensuring the success of the overall test. Planning involves the creation of a comprehensive outline for the test and the collection of feedback from the system owner or business, which helps to identify the objectives of the test and the potential targets. By doing this, one can have a clear understanding of what needs to be done and what the goals of the test are.

After the planning stage is completed, the next step is to move on to reconnaissance. This stage is focused on gathering information about the target systems. Conducting passive reconnaissance is one way to accomplish this without disrupting the normal activities of the business. Through passive reconnaissance, testers can identify available intelligence and gain a better understanding of the network infrastructure and potential vulnerabilities that could be exploited. This can help to ensure that the test is as effective as possible and that all potential risks are identified.

The following are specific steps that may be involved in this stage:

  • Defining the scope: Determine the boundaries of the engagement, including the target systems or networks, the types of vulnerabilities to be tested, and any constraints or limitations.

  • Gathering intelligence: Collect information about the target system or network, including its infrastructure, technology, and security measures. This may involve activities such as passive network scanning through sites such as Shodan.io or Censys.io and carrying out various OSINT techniques.

  • Identifying vulnerabilities: Find potential vulnerabilities in the target system or network, such as software vulnerabilities via the output of the Gather Intelligence techniques.

  • Developing a plan: Create a detailed plan for the rest of the engagement, including the specific tools and techniques that will be used and the sequence in which they will be applied.

  • Obtaining authorization: Get the necessary permission and approvals to conduct the engagement, including any required legal or ethical clearance.

By thoroughly planning and preparing for the engagement, the pentester can ensure that they have the necessary information, resources and legal protections required to effectively test the target system or network.

Scanning and Enumeration

Scanning and enumeration is the second stage of the penetration testing process. It is a crucial step towards identifying any vulnerabilities in the target system or network. During this phase, the tester makes use of various tools and techniques to gather more information about the target infrastructure.

One of the primary objectives of this phase is to identify any open ports and services that are running on the target system. This information can then be used to identify potential vulnerabilities that can be exploited. Additionally, the tester can also use active scanning techniques to identify any hidden or undocumented services running on the target machine.

Once the tester has completed the scanning and enumeration phase, they will have a better understanding of the infrastructure and any potential vulnerabilities. This information can then be used to develop a more targeted approach in the next phase of the penetration testing process.

Specific steps involved in this stage include:

  • Port scanning: Using a tool to scan the target system or network for open ports, which can indicate the presence of services or applications that may be vulnerable to attack.

  • Service identification: Identifying the specific services or applications running on the target system or network, and determining their version numbers and any known vulnerabilities.

  • Vulnerability scanning: Using a tool to scan the target system or network for known vulnerabilities, such as software vulnerabilities or misconfigured systems.

  • Password abuse: Attempting to guess or crack passwords for accounts on the target system or network. This may be done using tools that perform dictionary attacks, brute force attacks, or other methods.

  • Enumeration: Gathering additional information about the target system or network, such as usernames, group memberships, and other details that may be useful for further exploitation.

Thoroughly scanning and enumerating the target system or network helps the pentester identify potential vulnerabilities and gather the necessary information to plan and execute an exploitation attempt.


Exploitation is the third stage of a penetration testing process. During this phase, the tester attempts to take advantage of any vulnerabilities that have been identified in order to gain access to the target system or network. This can involve a range of techniques, such as social engineering, password cracking, and the use of malware. By exploiting these vulnerabilities, the tester is able to demonstrate the potential impact of a successful attack on the target, and identify any areas where security could be improved. Overall, the exploitation phase is a crucial part of the penetration testing process, as it allows organizations to identify and address vulnerabilities before they can be exploited by malicious actors.

The following are specific steps involved in this stage:

  1. Identify a vulnerability: This involves finding a specific vulnerability in the target system or network that could be exploited to gain access.

  2. Develop an exploit: This involves creating or obtaining a piece of code or technique that can be used to exploit the identified vulnerability.

  3. Test the exploit: This involves testing the exploit to ensure that it works as intended and to identify any potential issues or limitations.

  4. Execute the exploit: This involves running the exploit against the target system or network to gain access.

  5. Confirm access: This involves verifying that the exploit was successful and that the hacker has gained access to the target system or network.

By successfully exploiting a vulnerability, the pentester can gain access to the target system or network and proceed to the next stage of the engagement. However, not all vulnerabilities can be exploited, and it may be necessary to try multiple exploits or to pivot to other vulnerabilities in order to gain access.


Post-exploitation comes immediately after gaining access to a target system or network, and is the fourth stage in the pentesting process. This stage involves a series of additional actions that are carried out after access has been achieved. Once the pentester has successfully gained access to the target system or network, they will begin to explore it further to find any potential security vulnerabilities that they can exploit. They may also try to escalate their privileges within the system and establish a persistent presence on the network. This can involve installing backdoors or other types of malware, or simply creating new user accounts with elevated privileges. The ultimate goal of post-exploitation is to maintain access to the target system or network for as long as possible, and to gather as much sensitive information as possible. To achieve this goal, pentesters often employ a range of techniques, including the use of keyloggers, network sniffers, and other types of malicious software. In addition, they may attempt to cover their tracks by deleting logs and other incriminating evidence, or by using encryption to hide their activities. Post-exploitation is a critical stage in the pentesting process, as it allows pentesters to fully assess the security of a target system or network and identify any weaknesses that need to be addressed.

Some specific steps may include:

  • Maintaining access: ensuring access is retained through installing backdoors or other mechanisms.

  • Escalating privileges: attempting to increase access or privileges by cracking administrator passwords or exploiting vulnerabilities.

  • Exfiltrating data: transferring data out of the target system or network.

  • Performing additional actions: installing malware or modifying system configurations.

  • Cleaning up: removing traces of the hacker's presence.

By performing these actions, the hacker can gather additional information about the target system or network and potentially gain further access or control. However, it's important to consider the potential consequences and ensure actions align with engagement goals and constraints.

Reporting and Remediation

Reporting and remediation are critical stages in the pentesting process. Once the penetration testing is complete, the pentester needs to document the findings. The documentation should include a detailed description of the vulnerabilities, the methods used to exploit them, and the potential impact on the organization. The pentester should also provide recommendations for remediation and mitigation strategies. These recommendations should be prioritized based on the level of risk they pose to the organization.

Once the documentation is complete, the pentester should present the findings to the relevant parties. This may include the management team, the IT department, and any other stakeholders who are responsible for the security of the organization. The pentester should explain the vulnerabilities and the potential impact on the organization in a clear and concise manner. They should also provide recommendations for remediation and mitigation strategies, and answer any questions that the stakeholders may have.

After the findings have been presented, the stakeholders should work together to develop a plan for remediation. This plan should prioritize the most critical vulnerabilities and outline the steps that need to be taken to address them. The plan should also include a timeline for implementation, and assign responsibility for each task to a specific individual or team.

In conclusion, reporting and remediation are crucial components of the pentesting process. They help organizations identify and address vulnerabilities before they can be exploited by malicious actors. By following these steps, organizations can improve their security posture and protect their sensitive data from cyber threats.

Some specific steps that may be involved in this stage include:

  • Documenting findings: Create a report detailing vulnerabilities identified during the engagement, including their severity and potential impact.

  • Recommending remediation: Suggest actions to mitigate identified vulnerabilities, such as applying patches, changing configurations, or implementing additional security controls.

  • Presenting findings: Present the report and recommendations to relevant parties, such as the client or organization's security team.

  • Verifying remediation: Verify that recommended remediation actions have been implemented and vulnerabilities effectively mitigated.

By thoroughly documenting findings and recommendations, the hacker can help relevant parties understand the risks and vulnerabilities that exist in their systems and networks, and take appropriate action to mitigate them. This can improve the overall security posture of the target system or network.


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