🚩Capture The Flag (CTF)

Guidance and methods for competing in Capture The Flag (CTF) challenges, including Ethical Hacking and Defensive or DFIR analysis.

Capture the Flag (CTF) events are a popular and widely used method for testing and improving the skills of cybersecurity professionals. In a CTF event, participants are presented with a series of challenges, or "flags," that they must solve in order to progress. These challenges can cover a wide range of cybersecurity topics, including network security, cryptography, web security, and more.

CTF events offer a number of benefits for both individuals and organizations. For individuals, participating in a CTF event can be an excellent way to improve their skills and knowledge in a particular area of cybersecurity. CTF events often require participants to apply a range of different skills and techniques, including problem-solving, critical thinking, and technical expertise, which can be valuable for professional development.

For organizations, hosting or participating in a CTF event can be an effective way to identify and recruit talented cybersecurity professionals. CTF events can also be used as a training tool to help employees develop and improve their skills in a particular area of cybersecurity. In addition, CTF events can help organizations identify and address vulnerabilities in their systems and processes and improve their overall security posture.

CTF Events/Vendors

There are many different CTF events that are available to participate in, both online and in-person. Some popular examples include:

  • Hack The Box (HTB): Hack The Box is an online CTF platform that offers a wide range of challenges and exercises for participants to solve. The platform includes a variety of different categories, including web security, network security, cryptography, and more.

  • DEF CON CTF: DEF CON CTF is a long-running and highly respected CTF event that is held annually at the DEF CON conference in Las Vegas. The event attracts a large and highly skilled group of participants, and typically includes a wide range of challenging and innovative challenges.

  • picoCTF: picoCTF is an online CTF event that is targeted at students and is designed to help them develop their cybersecurity skills. The event includes a wide range of challenges that cover a variety of different topics, including web security, cryptography, and more.

  • Cyber Defenders: Cyber Defenders is an online CTF platform that offers challenges focused on the defensive side to cyber security.

For a list of further CTF vendors or events, the website CTFTime tracks and lists events and competitions around the world. CTFTime is a community-driven platform that allows users to submit and promote CTF events, as well as to track and score the results of these events.

📦Hack The Box (HTB)

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