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👷‍♀️Security Engineering

Learn about security engineering and how it helps keep your data and systems safe. Discover the steps involved in creating secure systems, from risk assessment to security architecture design.

Security engineering is a fancy way of saying we make sure nobody can mess with our stuff. It's all about designing and building systems that are super secure. We're talking software, hardware, and networks. And why do we go through all this trouble? To make sure nobody can get their hands on our data or mess with our systems.

The whole point of security engineering is to create tough and secure systems. That means they can handle attacks from bad guys and keep on going. To make sure everything is super secure, we go through a bunch of steps. First, we do a risk assessment to see where we're vulnerable. Then, we do a threat modeling exercise to figure out how attackers might try to break in. That way, we're ready for them when they come.

Once we know what we're up against, we create a security plan that covers everything. We call this security architecture design. It's all about putting measures in place to stop bad guys from getting in. And finally, we use coding techniques that keep our software super secure. We don't want any vulnerabilities that could be exploited.

So there you have it! Security engineering is all about keeping our data and systems secure. We do a bunch of stuff to make sure it stays that way. And as technology gets more advanced, we'll only need more security engineering to keep everything safe.

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